
Brookfield Place

Working in partnership with Addison Agency to implement social media identity and launch the new branding campaign through Instagram and BFPL’s digital platforms. In addition to creating and art directing original content for BFPL I also art directed the influencer campaigns for their social program.

 Brookfield Place

Working in partnership with Addison Agency / D1A to implement a social media identity and launch the new brand campaign. The launch was executed through Instagram and Brookfield’s digital platforms. In addition to creating and art directing original content for BFPL, I also art directed the influencer campaigns for their social program.

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Campaign content

Original photography extending the campaign content’s rebrand into assets for social and digital platform. This evergreen content mixes seasonal thematics and retail posts.

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Influencer content

Working with influencers as content creators
to produce beautiful content that naturally fits
the new BFPL aesthetic.